
Quicksilver to open it's source

The very best thing about the Mac OS X experience will go open source with the release of Leopard. I was on the fence about upgrading but alcor also said it would be Leopard only, there is no choice I must upgrade. I am completely and utterly dependent on the little tool that can do everything.

The subject + predicate + attributes = action model is extremely powerful for acting on all kinds of data. It's possibly even more powerful, and certainly faster, than a command line, plus the CLI is accessible via Quicksilver and vice versa with the command line "qs", literally everything is accessible and you can usually type your actions in any way you please. For instance I can say "Camino | Open | Diatribetic" or "Diatribetic | Open URL with... | Camino" and it's the same action. Searching for literally anything is possible with a few plug-ins and it's much much much faster than spotlight in 10.4. I can also type for commands in my menubar without having to memorize key commands for every application. I just need to know how to use Quicksilver and every application works the same.

Add to this the work already done by Vacuous Virtuoso and others; equals great things in que for the QuickAddicts out there.

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